
Reading Recovery Europe


St Mary’s CE Primary School, Kent

Reading Recovery is a proven approach to closing the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their more advantaged peers.

St. Mary’s CE Primary School is located in Swanley, Kent, and serves a diverse community including a significant percentage of traveller families.

Currently the school receives Pupil Premium funding for 50% of its pupils, and Reading Recovery (RR) is a significant part of the targeted support these pupils receive, benefitting over 80 pupils in the last ten years.

St. Mary’s has an experienced RR teacher who not only works with the disadvantaged Year 1 and Year 2 pupils targeted via Reading Recovery, but also assists with the wider dissemination of good literacy teaching practices throughout the school. As a result, over the last four years the school has achieved results in the top 10% of schools by the end of Key Stage 2 and in 2016 the school has achieved results in the top 1% of reading across the country.

At St. Mary’s, pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding – those who typically require the most support to gain and maintain good literacy skills – now achieve as well as their more advantaged peers, and, in some cases, even outperform them.Ìý The same number of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding pass the grammar school test, and achieve greater depth. The percentage of pupils achieving the 'expected' standard is the same for those eligible for Pupil Premium as all other children.