
School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES)


Dr Sameh Hanna

As a Mellon Fellow Sameh's researchOld and New Models in Translationhad a particular focus on the discourses on translation which emerged in turn-of-the-century Egypt and the role they played in conditioning translation practices during the Egyptian renaissance (Nahda).

Sameh was born and educated in Egypt before coming to the UK where he obtained his PhD from the University of Manchester. He previously worked as a lecturer in Translation at the Academy of Arts in Cairo, the American University in Cairo, Salford University and University of Manchester. Sameh Hanna is a founding member of the International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS).

He now holds a position as Lecturer in Arabic Literature and Translation at the University of Leeds.


  • 2006:PhD in Translation Studies, Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, University of Manchester.
  • 2000:MA in Literary Theory from Ain Shams University, Egypt .
  • 1995: A postgraduate diploma in Literary Theory from Ain Shams University, Egypt.
  • 1992:A postgraduate diploma in general linguistics from Ain Shams University, Egypt.
  • 1990:BA in English Literature and Linguistics from Ain Shams University, Egypt.

Scholarships & Awards

  • 2002:A scholarship from the Egyptian government to conduct PhD research in UK
  • 1997:Award of the Best Translated Book of the Year for the Arabic translation ofAvant-garde Theatre.
  • 1996:The State Incentive Award in Translation for the Arabic translation ofTheatre Audiences.
  • 1994: A two-month Fulbright scholarship at Iowa State University, USA, as part of the TESOL Summer Institute Programme.


Articles, books and edited volumes:

  • Routledge, 2016
  • Towards a Sociology of Drama Translation: Translations of Shakespeare’s Tragedies inEgypt.
  • Editor,Translating (in) the Arab World.
  • ‘The Arabic Tradition’, (with Mona Baker) in the new edition ofThe Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies.
  • A review article of Carol Bardenstein’sTranslation and Transformation in Modern Arabic Literature: The Indigenous Assertions of Muhammad 'Uthman Jalal,The Translator.
  • Editor,CTIS Occasional Papers, Vol.3. Manchester : Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, University of Manchester , 2006.
  • ‘A Social History of Translation in Egypt : Tanyus Abduh and “Riwayat”Hamlet’,Akhbar Al-Adab, no. 657, 2006 (in Arabic).
  • ‘Translations of Shakespeare’s Great Tragedies in Egypt : An Essay on Method’, inProceedings of the International Conference on Translation and Cultural Interaction(May 29- June 1 2004 ). Cairo : Supreme Council of Culture, 2006 (in Arabic).
  • ‘Introduction’,Riwayat Hamlet Al-Tamthiliyya, tran. Tanyus Abdu (First published translation ofHamletinto Arabic), in Heritage of Translation Series, Cairo: Supreme Council of Culture, 2005 (in Arabic).
  • ‘Translation and the Questions of Identity’, A Review article of the First Conference of The International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies held in Seoul , 12-14 August, 2004.Akhbar Al-Adab, no. 591, 2004; republished inDiwan al-Arab, 2006 (in Arabic).
  • ‘Hamlet Lives Happily Ever After in Arabic: The Genesis of the Field of Drama Translation in Egypt ’.The Translator, 11 (2), 2005.
  • ‘Othello in Egypt : Translation and the (un)Making of National Identity’, inFirst Yearbook of the International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies, 2005.
  • ‘Translation between Transfer and Interpretation’Adab wa Naqd, 1998 (in Arabic).
  • ‘Translation between Linguistics and Hermeneutics’, inOccasional Papers of the Faculty of Education,AinShamsUniversity, 1998.

Translations into Arabic:

  • Mark Haddon’sThe Curious Incident of the Dog and the Night Time.
  • The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies.
  • Performing Nostalgia: Shifting Shakespeare and the Contemporary Past, Cairo : Egyptian Ministry of Culture, 2002.
  • Postcolonial Drama: Theory and Practice, Cairo : Egyptian Ministry of Culture, 1998.
  • Modern American Drama: A feminist Re-reading,Cairo : Egyptian Ministry of Culture, 1997.
  • Avant-garde Theatre, Cairo : Egyptian Ministry of Culture, 1996.
  • Theatre Audiences, Cairo : Egyptian Ministry of Culture, 1995.
  • Improvisationin Drama(a co-authored translation), Cairo : Egyptian Ministry of Culture, 1994.
  • Death of the Playwright(a co-authored translation), Cairo : Egyptian Ministry of Culture, 1993.
  • 1994- present: a number of translated articles on literary theory, theatre studies and cultural studies in Egyptian and Arab magazines and periodicals.