
Short courses


Restorative Dentistry: a CAD/CAM Update

  • 6.5 hours
  • 1 day


This one-day course will familiarise you with all aspects of digital workflows in restorative dentistry.

You'll learn about digital workflows both theoretically and in a practical session focused on scanning and milling of restorations.

The course is run by the in London.

Who this course is for

The course is aimed primarily at general dental practitioners, including newly qualified dentists who want to understand and incorporate digital workflows in their practice.

Entry requirements

You must hold an approved dental qualification.

Structure and teaching

The course will be delivered as a seminar combined with clinical hands-on laboratory training.Ìý

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, you should be better able to:

  • use an intraoral scanner for a basic digital impression
  • understand the concept and history of CAD/CAM technology and digital dentistry
  • understand the difference between chair-side and laboratory fabrication of restorations
  • understand the criteria for material selection
  • critically appraise the evidence for use of these systems
  • consider the applicability in practice and the consequences for the dental team

CPD points and certificate

You'll gain 6.5 hours of verifiable CPD, plus a certificate of attendance.

Quality controls

All Eastman teachers are experienced professionals. You'll be asked to submit written feedback via a questionnaire at the end of the course, which is used to monitor the course's quality of teaching and value for money.


Please read the Eastman's refunds policy before booking.

Course team

Dr Lambis Petridis

Dr Lambis Petridis

Lambis has worked in private practice in Greece and London, practicing all aspects of dentistry with an emphasis on restorative, aesthetic and implant dentistry. In 2012 he joined ÂÒÂ×Ðã Eastman Dental Institute as a senior clinical lecturer in the Prosthodontic Unit. He's currently Director of the Conservative Dentistry MSc programme.

He qualified from the Dental School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 1994. He then completed an Advanced Education Programme in Prosthodontics and a Master’s degree at Tufts University, Boston, followed by his PhD at Aristotle University.

Lambis has authored and co-authored a number of scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals, and has headed several past and current research projects in the field of prosthodontics and aesthetic dentistry. He’s registered with the GDC, in the Prosthodontics specialist list, and is also on the list of recognised specialists in prosthodontics issued by the European Prosthodontic Association. He's a member of the International College of Prosthodontists, the Academy of Osseointegration, the European Prosthodontic Association, the Cochrane collaboration Oral Health Group, and an affiliate of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.

Dr Ailbhe McDonald

Dr Ailbhe McDonald

Ailbhe is Director of the Prosthodontics MClinDent and Prosthodontics (Advanced Training) MClinDent at ÂÒÂ×Ðã Eastman Dental Institute. Within prosthodontics she leads teaching learning and assessment using innovative methods.

Previously she’s held many positions at Institute, including Senior Lecturer in 2007 and Academic Head of Prosthodontics in 2009. She was Co-Director of the Implant Dentistry MSc (2008-9) and Director of the Conservative Dentistry MSc (2010-12). She's been an examiner for IQE EDI (2005-7), MFDS RCS (2005-8), MJDF (2009-11) and is currently external examiner for FFD (Pros) RCSI.

She's a member of the Institute of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education and has served on British Society of Restorative Dentistry (BSRD) Council (2000-3) and on REF Panel UoA3 (2011-14) assessing UK dental research proposed by BSRD. She was a Specialty Advisor North London, Royal College of Surgeons, England (2007-2012) ensuring standards were maintained in recruitment and selection. Most recently she joined the Specialist Advisory Committee Royal College of Surgeons, England.

At ÂÒÂ×Ðã she led on flexible working for the Athena Swan committee that resulted in a successful silver award for the Eastman Dental Institute in 2016.

Course information last modified: 30 Nov 2022, 16:00