
School of Life and Medical Sciences


Partners re-designated as an Academic Health Science Centre

6 April 2020

Partners has been awarded Academic Health Science Centre status for another five years.


The announcement follows a competitive designation process initiated in October 2019.

Partners AHSCbrings togetherfive NHS trusts and three universitiesto tackle the greatest health challenges affecting our population, by accelerating the translation of discoveries in areas of unmet need.

Partners AHSC is now in its 11thyear. Over the next five years, it will continue to identify transformational innovations in health care at an early-stage, and to support them with specialist expertise, training and seed funds, to speed-up development and maximize benefit to our patients and NHS partners. Working collaboratively across thePartners designations, the AHSC will enable the evaluation and wider uptake of innovations for the benefit of the population.

In recent weeks thepartnership has mademajor

Professor David Lomas, Partners AHSC Director and Vice Provost (Health), said: “We are delighted to be re-designated as an AHSC, and are grateful to all those who contributed to the process. Never was there a more important time to stand united, work together, and to drive research excellence into clinical impact as effectively as possible.”

Professor Mike Roberts, Managing Director, Partners said: “Partners began as one of the country’s first AHSCs. We are proud to have been re-designated and will continue to draw together the strengths of Partners’ different designations to harness research and innovation for better patient care and a healthier population.”
