
ÂÒÂ×Ðã Psychology and Language Sciences


How to find Chandler House

ÂÒÂ×Ðã is situated in Bloomsbury, near the centre of London, close to the West End. It is well-served by a variety of public transport services.

Chandler House is located in Wakefield Street, about 500m south of King's Cross and St. Pancras stations. It is not recommended that you travel by car, since no visitor parking spaces are available. Also Chandler House is located within the London .

Chandler House is at
2 Wakefield Street

by Underground

  • Kings Cross & St. Pancras Station (Northern, Victoria, Metropolitan, Circle & Picadilly lines)
  • Russell Square Station (Piccadilly line)

by Bus

  • Gray's Inn Road: 17, 45, 46.
  • Woburn Place: 59, 68, 91, 168
  • Euston Road: 10, 30, 59, 73, 91, 205, 390, 476
  • Russell Square: 7, 188

from British Rail stations

To Kings Cross & St. Pancras:

  • Charing Cross - take Northern line
  • Euston - take Victoria or Northern line
  • Liverpool Street - take Metropolitan or Circle line
  • London Bridge - take Northern line
  • Marylebone - take Metropolitan or Circle line
  • Paddington - take Metropolitan or Circle line
  • Victoria - take Victoria line
  • Waterloo - take Bakerloo line and change to Victoria line at Oxford Circus

Interactive ÂÒÂ×Ðã map

There is now a new interactive map designed by the ÂÒÂ×Ðã Casa team. This map is useful in navigating across the ÂÒÂ×Ðã campus from one building to another.

Directions to Chandler House from St. Pancras

Kings Cross & St. Pancras stations are on the north side of the main Euston Road. Exit the underground station on the south side, or cross the road at street level. Walk west along Euston Road to the junction of Judd Street (there is an Irish pub on the corner). Turn left along Judd Street until you reach traffic lights at the junction with Tavistock Place. Turn left, then after 20m, turn right into Wakefield street. Chandler House is the second building entrance on the right.

Directions from Google Maps: .

Directions to Chandler House from Russell Square

The Russell Square station exit is on Bernard Street. Come out of the station and turn right along Bernard Street until you get to the roundabout at the corner of the Brunswick Centre. Turn left, keeping the Brunswick centre on your left up towards Hunter Street. Walk up to the traffic lights with Tavistock Place. Turn right then after 20m turn right again into Wakefield Street. Chandler House is the second building entrance on the right.

Directions from ÂÒÂ×Ðã Campus Route Finder: .

Directions from Google Maps: .

Divisional Research Centres