
Joint Research Office


Data pathways at H

There are numerous types of projects which need access to health data

A project using patient or staff data from the NHS may fall into one of 3 categories:

  1. Service evaluation or audit
  2. Research
  3. Research database

You will need to obtain the appropriate approvals before you can access data or the data is released to you.Researchers should not attempt to access or utilise data before obtaining the correct approval.

To get the appropriate approval you will need to contact the relevant H Department

To determine which of the 3 categories your project falls in, you should use the .You should the follow the guidance and approval pathway (PDF).

1. Service evaluation and audit

Service evaluations and audits using data from H are managed through the audit lead in the relevant H clinical division. Before the project starts, you will need to approach the audit lead who will tell you what information you need to provide. The audit lead for each division can be found on H intranet.

Note: each NHS trust will have their own requirements around the registration and approval of service evaluations and audit. The appropriate procedure should be followed at each trust.

2. Research

Projects considered “research” and taking place at H can be managed through 3 routes depending on the nature of the data requested and the type of approval required.

Research Route A - the DAP-R process

  • Research Route A Studies that can go through the DAP-R process
  • new standalone data- only research project
  • requires only H anonymised data (no other sites, no other forms of data)
  • Chief Investigator is substantively employed by either or H
  • study sponsor would be either or H

The DAP-R (data access process for research) process combines processes for gaining sponsorship and local permissions at H

To use the DAP-R process, you will need to submit a request via an online system called . The request is then handled by the H Data concierge. The Data concierge will screen the request and if suitable, the study will move through the DAP-R approvals process.

The process includes review by the research data access committee (RDAC) and then onto the H Data Trust Committee (DTC). Any study approved by DTC would then receive final approval from the JRO to begin data collection at H. Contracts and agreements maybe required in cases where there is a movement of data between and H.

Further information about DAP-R can be found on the .

Research Route B - the standard review procedure for Sponsorship

  • Research Route B Studies which cannot go through the DAP-R process and need H or sponsorship.
    • new study does not fulfil the criteria for research route A
    • Chief Investigator is substantively employed by either or H

The project is likely to require sponsorship, NHS ethics, HRA approval and local permissions (AAC). These studies follow the standard review procedure for sponsorshipthrough the JRO, followed by site approvals.

Research Route C – studies that require site approval at H (only)

  • Research Route C Studies that need site approvalat H (only)
    • study already has a sponsor (, H or other)
    • researcher from H
    • study is to be placed at H

The project is likely to require local permissions (AAC). The sponsor will have already (or be in the process of obtaining) obtained sponsorship, NHS ethics, HRA and other permissions outside of and H. These studies will need to be reviewed by the JRO for H site approval.

3. Research databases

A research database is defined as “a structured collection of individual-level personal information, which is stored for potential research purposes beyond the life of a specific research project with defined endpoints. Research purposesin this context refers to analysis of data to answer research questions in multiple projects” (.

HRA approval is not required for the establishment of research databases. Organisations managing these databases can apply for voluntary ethical approval.

From March 2023, all research databases led through and/or hosted within or H must be registered with the H/ Joint Research Office (JRO) prior to initiation. Researchers should submit the database protocol or application to the JRO via uclh.randd@nhs.net. In some cases, the database maybe suitable for a review through the DAP-R process. The JRO will advise if this is the case. As some databases involve the movement of data between H and (and potentially other sites), there may be a requirement for a data sharing agreement (or equivalent). The JRO will advise if this is the case and will provide support to establish the correct agreement.



Joint Research Office Leads:

Data Concierge:

H Information Governance (Research):