
Grand Challenges


Grand Challenges launches "Disruptive Voices"

21 June 2021

Grand Challenges has launched a new podcast and blog, Disruptive Voices, exploring innovative solutions for a range of global issues.

an image of the disruptive voices graphic, with colourful cubes and medium logo

Grand Challenges has always supported colleagues at to do things a little differently and disrupt the status quo. For over a decade, we have supported people from diverse disciplines and sectors to work together to tackle pressing and complex issues for society and the planet.

The idea of facilitating these problem-focused, cross-disciplinary partnerships flows from ’s tradition as a radical institution.To expand our support for ’s radical thinkers, Grand Challenges haslauncheda new blog and podcast series,Disruptive Voices,showcasing novel ideas and critical thinking.

Researchers and staff from across and beyondshare theirforward-looking solutionsand ideas for addressing societal challenges, discussing topics from a cross-disciplinary perspective and inspiring and encouraging us to think differently about issues of local, national and global concern.

Dr James Paskins, Grand Challenges Deputy Director,said: “I am delighted to be launching this new series. Disruptive Voices is a home for fresh insights about the world, novel approaches to wicked problems and critiques of accepted wisdom. I believe it is vital to keep an open mind and listen to new ideas and disruptive voices – and I hope that the series inspires people to engage with the topics we cover and offer their own ideas and solutions.”

Nina Quach, Grand Challenges Head of Programmes (Human Wellbeing and Global Health) added: “We’ve had fascinating conversations with researchers at , which I’m very excitedto share with our audience, especially during the pandemic when we rarelyget to have long and deep conversation with others.Hearing all those novel ideas gives me hope and enthusiasm for the future we’re building”.

If you’d like to pitch a piece for the Disruptive Voices blog, or appear on a podcast episode, pleaseemail Evie Caldere.calder@ucl.ac.ukor Nina Quachn.quach@ucl.ac.uk.
