


Promoting Safer Buildings Conference on 13th July at Royal Geographical Society, London

22 June 2017


org/about">Promoting Safer Building Programme is a multidisciplinary research study being carried out by an alliance between University College London-EPICentre (EPICentre), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), CARE International UK (CARE UK) and the British Geological Survey (BGS). The project focuses on safer post-disaster reconstruction and brings together expertise from structural engineering and geo-sciences with international development and shelter practice.

On the 13th July we will be holding our Promoting Safer Building Conference in London to mark the end of this pilot project.

In this full day event we will be presenting our field work to learn from post-typhoon interventions in the Philippines and post-earthquake interventions in Nepal. We will also be hosting guest international speakers from the three interacting disciplines, Engineering, Geo-Science and Humanitarian Shelter, to engage in an exchange about the objectives, findings and future possibilities of this project:

  • Dr Ramesh Guragain, Deputy Executive Director, , Nepal.
  • Dr Cees Van Westen, Associate Professor, , University of Twente, The Netherlands.
  • Ela Serdaroglu, Shelter Lead, Co-Lead, International Federation of the Red Cross, Switzerland.

To register your interest in attending, please email a.albuerne@ucl.ac.uk. Â