
Eastman Dental Institute


Chinese Implant Masterclass at Eastman

3 October 2019

Chinese dentists attending the Implant Masterclass at  Eastman

In September, we were delighted to welcome thirteen implant dentists from China for the second part of their ten-day Implant Masterclass, run in collaboration with the China Britain Medical Dental Association (CBMDA). 

The Masterclass began with five days in Shanghai, where the Eastman’s Dr Safa Somi delivered lectures in the Shanghai Si Qi training centre. The subsequent five days in London included training in guided bone regeneration, soft tissue management and management of the posterior maxilla.

CBMDA, run by Dr Ray Zhang and Professor Stephen Dunne, is dedicated to providing high-quality dental CPD for Chinese dentists.

Eastman Head of CPD, Professor Albert Leung, said: “We were delighted to host the second part of the Implant Masterclass, run in collaboration with CBMDA, and we are thankful to Shanghai Si Qi for hosting the China phase for us in July.

“The implant dentists received a first-class CPD experience, including up-to-date research-led education, hands-on exercises on animal jaws, and a visit to Bond Dental organised with Dr Kev Patel, as well as visiting and experiencing London. 

“We look forward to welcoming more groups of dentists from China for future Masterclasses.”

The Masterclass was kindly sponsored by and , and included teaching by Eastman staff Dr Dev Patel, Dr Pareet Shah, Dr Safa Somi, and Dr Shiehfung Tay. 

For more information about group CPD opportunities at Eastman, contact edi-cpd@ucl.ac.uk

