
History of Art


Tania Sheikhan

PhD supervisor: Methchild Fend
Working title for PhD: ‘Through the Lens of Fashion: Politics and Identity in Napoleonic Court, 1804-1815’


  • Zasrodney K, Sheikhan T, Sheikhan N, Pinto A, Witek T.J. “Trends in FDA Drug Promotion Enforcement Letter Over a Ten Year Period.” ISPOR International Meeting. October 2018.
  • Sheikhan T, Witek TJ. “Women’s Health and Commerce: A Historical Perspective.” MISC Summer 2016; 106-108.

Media Appearances/Outreach:

  • North South/East West Exhibition, Centro Cultural de Cascais, Portugal- Assistant Curator, 2018
  • Hotel Bogota Exhibition, Toronto, Canada- Assistant Curator, 2014
  • Love Me, Love Me Not Exhibition, Heydar Aliyek Centre, Baku, Azerbaijan- Summer Curatorial Internship, 2013


  • 2020/2021: HART0005 Teaching Assistant
  • 2019/2020: HART0005 Teaching Assistant