
History of Art


Jacqueline Mabey

PhD supervisor: Stephanie Schwartz
Working title for PhD:'This Must Be the Place: Mapping Artistic Kinship and Economic Change in Downtown New York, 1973–1987'

This Must Be the Place explores the relationship between the artistic community of Downtown New York from 1973 to 1987 and the transformation to a FIRE (finance, insurance, real estate) economy. I focus on a selection of artists who work collaboratively across disciplines. The central research question of the project is: How was this artistic community both resistant to and complicit with the nascent neoliberal political project? A combination of secondary sources and theoretical texts on the topics of space, queer counter-publics, kinship, labour, and economics guide my analysis of archival materials.

My research project emerged from my experience as a practitioner in the field. Most recently, I balanced my roles as Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon Co-founder and Lead Co-organizer and Assistant Curator at the galleries of Rutgers University – Newark with an independent curatorial practice. I have curated the work of artists including Yael Bartana, Hannah Black, Kate Gilmore, Lucia Hierro, Brendan Fernandes, Ken Gonzales-Day, Jen Liu, Tanya Lukin Linklater, Jumana Manna, Divya Mehra, Lorraine O’Grady, Sreshta Rit Premnath, Wendy Red Star, Legacy Russell, and Addie Wagenknecht.


Book Chapters

  • Evans, Siân, Jacqueline Mabey, Michael Mandiberg & Melissa Tamani. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Community.” Wikipedi@20: Stories of an Incomplete Revolution, edited by Jackie Koerner and Joseph Reagle. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2020.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • “Not Mine Alone, Nor Mine to Own: Some Reflections on The Young Girl.” The Journal of Feminist Scholarship, Issue 12/13 (Spring 2017): pp. 1-19. .
  • Evans, Siân, Jacqueline Mabey & Michael Mandiberg. “Editing for Equality: The Outcomes of the Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thons.” Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America, Vol. 34, No. 2 (September 2015): pp. 194-203. DOI: 10.1086/683380.

Refereed Proceedings

  • “I WUD PREFER NOT 2: Notes on failure, refusal, fraud in recent media art.” KAPSULA (May 2014): pp. 19-21.

Conference papers and presentations:

  • Beginning with the 70s, Morris & Helen Belkin Art Gallery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, March 7-6, 2020
  • Paper: "What is nourishing, how are we nourished & what spoils the appetite."
  • Sick Theories: A Trans-Disciplinary Conference on Sickness & Sexuality, University of Toronto, November 8-9, 2018
  • Paper: “Precariat Jet Set”
  • Symposium, Why Talk About Gender?, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, March 24, 2016
  • Keynote: “Editing For Equality: Teaching Wikipedia Editing in an Intersectional Feminist Context” (with Siân Evans & Michael Mandiberg)
  • Symposium, Revising Revisionism, Brooklyn Museum, May 17, 2015
  • Paper: “Art+Feminism” (with Siân Evans)

Media Appearances

Selected Exhibitions

  • Object Lessons, Paul Robeson Galleries at Express Newark, Rutgers University – Newark, June 20, 2019 – February 1, 2020
  • In this place where the guest rests, Franklin Street Works, Stanford, Curator, January 20-May 13, 2018
  • Utopia is No Place, Utopia is Process, Suzanne Lemberg Usdan Gallery, Bennington College, Curator, April 12-May 12, 2016
  • Carnival of Sorts, G Gallery, University of Guelph, Toronto, Curator, September 11-October 31, 2015
  • Miss World, PARMER, Brooklyn, Curator, October 5-26, 2014

Selected Public Lectures & Presentations

  • Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London, October 5, 2019: Lecture: “Art+Feminism & Critical Pedagogy”
  • International Centre of Photography, New York, November 13, 2018: Lecture: “The Spiritual Hunt”
  • On how to resist: Digital identity(s), This Site is Under Revolution, 6th Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, July 22, 2018: Panellist
  • IMAGINEPEACE Forum, Gardiner Museum, Toronto, May 23, 2018: Panellist
  • Conférence 934: How do digital media shape the image of women?, Consulate General of France in New York, March 8, 2018: Panellist


Selected Grants, Residencies, Honours & Awards


  • Terra Foundation for American Art Research Travel Grant


  • Grant, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco
  • Graduate Research Scholarship, University College London
  • Overseas Research Scholarship, University College London


  • Grant, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco
  • Residency, Trainings for the Not-Yet, Banff Centre for the Arts & Creativity
  • Award, Banff Centre for the Arts & Creativity


  • Grant, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco
  • Residency, Darling Foundry, Montreal


  • Grant, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco
  • Convening Scholarship, Common Field, Los Angeles
  • Residency, 18th Street Art Centre, Los Angeles


  • Grant, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco


  • Grant, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco
  • Grant, Canada Council for the Arts, Ottawa
  • Award, Leading Global Thinker, Foreign Policy Magazine, Washington, DC