
ÂÒÂ×Ðã Anthropocene


Dean Sully

Academic position: Associate Professor of Heritage Conservation

Department: Institute of Archaeology

Telephone number: +44 (0) 20 7679 7497Ìý

Email: d.sully@ucl.ac.uk


My work seeks toÌýre-situateÌýheritageÌýpractice from maintaining the metastable authenticity of heritage places, towards co-curatingÌýecosociologicallyÌýconstitutedÌýmultispecies worlds.ÌýThis is addressed viaÌýtransarticulatingÌýsympoieticÌýframingÌýthatÌýbrings creative practice and heritage processes into flux through experimental science-artÌýworldings.ÌýItÌýutilisesÌýtemporality,Ìýtime travel,Ìýprojected pasts and retrospective futures, to challenge the chronological linearity of time. The mechanism ofÌýretroactiveÌýcausality, in creating a past or future so real that it casts its shadow over the present and creates the conditions in retrospect in which this past becomes the preferred future reality.ÌýSpeculativeÌýdesign, brokenÌýworlds, truth &Ìýinsouciance,ÌýasÌýmethods forÌýfuture making/world building,Ìýare usedÌýto move beyond the plausible future and shape preferable futures.ÌýThisÌýprovides a speculative exploration of heritage care for living as-well-as-possible in more-than-human worlds.Ìý

Research Projects:

Objects of theÌýMisanthropocene, a Time Travelling Exhibition of Insouciant Objects from the Museum of Beyond.Ìý

TemporaryÌýExhibition as partÌýofÌýÂÒÂ×Ðã Slade Scientist in ResidenceÌý2019-2020.ÌýÌý

This temporary exhibition presents a certain future perspective on our uncertain present. Archaeological and geological artefacts of theÌýMisanthropoceneÌýhave been fabricated to reflect things that inhabit a range of future worlds (from fiction and non-fictional accounts of the Anthropocene). These credible future worlds provide a location from which to situate a critical assessment of our present choices. The fabricated exhibits are presented as a selection of time traveling objects loaned from the Museum of Beyond, a future museum at the edges of the Anthropocene.Ìý The exhibits are interpreted in the exhibition text panels and labels from aÌýpluriversityÌýof curatorial perspectives that reveal the transtemporal misunderstandings that occur with the translation between worlds. This raises concerns about the instability of the speculative pasts authorised by heritage practice, alongside the reality of our speculations about the future.


The MA in Built Heritage FuturesÌý(proposed start 2023) forms part of Culture Lab’s suite of cross-Faculty, transdisciplinary, specialist, postgraduate degree programmesÌýÂÒÂ×Ðã-E Culture Lab.