
ÂÒÂ×Ðã 2034


Financing our ambitions

Objectives relating to this key enabler:

  • To generate sufficient annual surpluses that allow us to invest for sustainability over the long-term;
  • To ensure that resources are allocated in ways that encourage desired behaviour;
  • To ensure that growth is fully costed and sustainable on an enduring basis, and seek to take advantage of new sources of income that can potentially generate a surplus for reinvestment;
  • To enable appropriate financial and infrastructure planning for all new developments, specifically including the ongoing ÂÒÂ×Ðã Capital programme, ÂÒÂ×Ðã East, the Queen Square development, REF2020, planned improvements in both the quality and the cost efficiency of ÂÒÂ×Ðã support services, any actions arising from the Size and Shape project, and faculty driven initiatives approved as part of the annual planning process;
  • Seek value for money (economy, efficiency and effectiveness) in all our activities, with a particular emphasis on the contribution from procurement;
  • Monitor the volume of philanthropic income at a level that enhances our ability to deliver the strategy.